Pastoral Staff

Elder Tyrone Williams became a member of the Macedonia SDA Church in Monroe, LA in 1990 after reading “The Biggest Hoax of All Times”. This is how he learned about the Sabbath and other Biblical truths.
In 1994, Tyrone moved to Birmingham, AL and began attending the Ephesus SDA Church where he served 14 years as an Assistant Head Deacon and 4 years as Head Deacon. He is currently a teacher of the Adult Sabbath School Class and serves as an Elder. Tyrone loves praising the Lord and is a member of the Ephesus SDA Male Chorus.
His love for Christ has led him to participate in all-night prayer services. He believes in giving to obtain whatever harvest God has in store for him. He is a living witness that you can’t beat God’s giving; no matter how you try.
Tyrone is married to his lovely wife of 27 years, Veronica Williams , and has 5 adult children, 7 grandchildren and 1 great-grand.
His biggest belief is “But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love Him and keep His commandments” (1 Corinthians 2:9).
Elder Clementine H. Collins, R.N.

Elder Clementine began attending the Ephesus Church in 1979 when she received the invitation from her childhood school mate, Sybil Pollard Mason.
In 1980 Dr. Patrick Vincent baptized Clementine after she completed a bible study.
Over the years Clementine has served in positions through various Ephesus departments including; Health and Temperance Leader, Sabbath School teacher, Deaconess, Ephesus Women’s Ministries Leader. She initiated and organized the Ephesus Puppet Ministry.
Clementine has served on the Ephesus Elders board since 2017.
Inspired by God’s word in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to “pray without ceasing”,
Clementine believes that the Christians’ greatest weapons are Prayer and fasting.
For 8 ½ years She has served as the Founder and Director of Light My Path Ministries Teleconference Bible study and fast and Pray ministry. The purpose of the ministry is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Elder Clementine has served in South Central Conference Women’s Ministries for more than 39 years in various capacities, including Assistant to the Director.
Her favorite scripture Joshua 24:15: is found throughout her home; “Choose you this day whom you will serve; but for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
She has one adult son and two adult grandchildren. And God recently blessed her with a 16-month-old Great-Grandson, Lexington-David Collins, whom she Loves Dearly, four teeth & All!
She has many spiritual sons and daughters that are dear to her heart.
The things that bring joy to her life are serving God, making others happy, reading her bible and any inspirational literature, travel, and shopping during clearance sales.
Her philosophy of life is “Learn to laugh at yourself and don’t take yourself so seriously, because no one else does.” “Just Get Over It and Laugh.”